Michiel de Groot

Apparently they're not losing all of it as "the network plans on posting a number of relevant arc scenes from episode 4 online, with Fuller introducing them, to fill in the gaps".

And this is the one they won't air, then? Dammit.

Wait, they're completely pulling it, apparently? Not showing it at a later date? That's pretty ridiculous.

I think Crawford was shown to think more highly of Lecter than Bloom as a psychiatrist, so I figured that's why he tagged along. But yes, it's rather contrived and he suddenly got to assist in everything. I get that they want to have Mikkelsen on the screen a lot, but it kind of diminishes the magnitude of the

Speaking of the CANNIBALS graffiti, was it me or was that CGI? The garage door seemed to shimmer a bit out of line with the camera movement.

The only real mess ups here are the hair and Lecter (who is pretty hard to outwit, to say the least) catching her. She's a psychopath, I really doubt she thinks of the rest of those as failures.

In every interview out there, Sirtis is also really intelligently funny - I just wish they could've brought that to the screen.

I loved the imagery, but as a nerdy biologist I had to notice that the clips of the yellow creeping goo in the speeches of Stammetz and a few flashbacks wasn't a fungi at all, but a slime mold. Jeez!

That scene gave me the creeps for weeks on end, and in that film it's even worse because there the person seems to have been concious rather than comatose.

Wait until he gets to "Profit and Lace".

I was vaguely expecting "and then I died in that timeline, but I can recount the story in this one!"

There's an amazing series of comics going on at the moment called Larp Trek (look it up) where the TNG cast does a role play under supervision of Geordi where they roleplay as the DS9 cast. Riker has an amazingly easy job of imagining everything Bashir does, which your comment made me think of.

Ugh, Benedict Cumberbatch, get out of here.

In a related story, one liver is lost to an eagle in the Caucasus every day.

So this isn't the Douglas Adams biopic, then?

Also the amazing A Royal Affair that came out last year, it's terrific.

His ex-wife's new husband.

Real Sex With Bryant Gumbel, that wasn't Kinsey but Stan, although it was hard to see behind the beard.

Yeah, they need to get something in here because otherwise it's just going to be two seasons with Theon getting horribly tortured, which I'm not particularly looking forward to.

And suddenly, I realize where I remembered your commenting from.