Michiel de Groot

Hey, it's the boss from Awake! Surely someone remembers her from that.

Hey, it's the boss from Awake! Surely someone remembers her from that.

So, she gave Tommy warm milk, huh? Lysa Arryn, anyone?

So, she gave Tommy warm milk, huh? Lysa Arryn, anyone?

It's really just one or two streets from the looks of it, so maybe 20-25 people? If that?

It's really just one or two streets from the looks of it, so maybe 20-25 people? If that?

This was definitely the best scene in the episode, Putting Antoine in charge of a school band was a stroke of genius - it kind of reminds me of Prez' blooming as a teacher in the Wire.

This was definitely the best scene in the episode, Putting Antoine in charge of a school band was a stroke of genius - it kind of reminds me of Prez' blooming as a teacher in the Wire.

Or a major role in the Gillian/Gyp completely bonkers alliance!

Or a major role in the Gillian/Gyp completely bonkers alliance!

I really like the Margaret/Owen romance since it seems to make both of them as happy as it does, but yes, it is not going to last.

I really like the Margaret/Owen romance since it seems to make both of them as happy as it does, but yes, it is not going to last.

They actually reminded me a lot of the Merchants of Death triforce from Thank You For Smoking.

They actually reminded me a lot of the Merchants of Death triforce from Thank You For Smoking.

Fight of the funny-lookin'

Fight of the funny-lookin'

The rule is generally "don't", and I doubt this is going to do anything special.

The rule is generally "don't", and I doubt this is going to do anything special.