Michiel de Groot

No Berberian Sound Studio? Tsssk.

No Berberian Sound Studio? Tsssk.

I do agree with you on the strongest parts of the show though; Antoine, LaDonna, and the Indian stuff never let down and seems to have more of a place in the show. I'd say Sonny became good in season 2.

I do agree with you on the strongest parts of the show though; Antoine, LaDonna, and the Indian stuff never let down and seems to have more of a place in the show. I'd say Sonny became good in season 2.

This is like DS9's rapping Jake Sisko, but less fun

This is like DS9's rapping Jake Sisko, but less fun

Man, as small as it was, I loved this week's little scene between LaDonna and Albert

Man, as small as it was, I loved this week's little scene between LaDonna and Albert

Wowah, Esther Randolph - where IS she?

Surprised no-one mentioned that giant monsters made from discarded candy don't actually exist in real life either

Surprised no-one mentioned that giant monsters made from discarded candy don't actually exist in real life either

Ah yes, my favourite movie

Ah yes, my favourite movie

The monster sitting on top of the swerving car seemed really familiar, but I can't place the reference. Anyone?

The monster sitting on top of the swerving car seemed really familiar, but I can't place the reference. Anyone?

Definitely was

Definitely was

He sounded like Duke Nukem to me