
Breast Puppet Theater, the contestant doing a monologue from Scarface (while topless), the transgendered contest singing 'it's natural' - good times

(holds multi-flavored ice cream cone high in solidarity)

One tin soldier rides away…we actually got to watch the Billy Jack films in high school cinematography. not sure if that would happen today.

His yelling "Donde esta mi esposa?!" always makes me chuckle

(passes Jimmy Fund can down the aisle)

Like the establishment of the EPA under Nixon - down the liberal memory hole.

I love it when goyim have to backtrack and cover.

"Gloves don't catch gloves!" Gotta love Leon.

Free refills at Burger King!

Perhaps you keep your apartment in a state of disrepair?

Good catch - also meeting his 'not a date' date at the movie theater - French films were on the marque. All very Wood Man.

Oh God - the Doll episode. I made the babysitter stand outside the bathroom door so I wouldn't get bitten by the dolls in my sister's room that i was sure were waiting to suddenly spring to life. (rocks silently in office)

The ice cream shop scene was lampooned on SNL with Pal Simon as Billy Jack. Classic.

Good quote, but Billy Jack didn't need to swear - Born Losers, Billy Jack - awesome. Billy Jack Goes to Washington, regrettable.

Danny Jackson ripping his shirt off on the mound in a 'faux' roid rage. '93 Phillies and their pharms rocked. Good times.

Mr Prig - I've bought a whole box of Pee Wee cards at a show in '88 - paid a pittance for them. The tattoos and hologram cards are comedy gold.

Dunkard Dippers
Plow'n Time
S&M (Samuel and Mordecai)

Will Gannicus now alter the lyrics of his ditty to something like "I'm free for my cock to rage on, any old time"?

Daulton's wife is a former Hooter's girl. He saw her on a billboard during Spring Training in Clearwater. And now you know the rest of the story.

Crixus makes mention of the fact that Ashur was never a real gladiator in the last (or was it the penultimate?) episode of Blood and Sand. Ashur replies that Crixus' blade saw to that, thus Ashur had to use his cunning and guile to stay out of the mines.