Cornelius Suttree

Yeah. I wasn't even that upset when Jon died because I just thought to myself, "well Melisandre is there." She'll just bring him back to life like Beric Dondarrion. It should free Jon from his vows to the Night's Watch since technically he had served out his life commitment.
I hadn't thought about the Azor Ahai angle,

To think I had almost forgotten this.

Much like the Westerosi characters, I could keep none of the Ghiscari names straight.

It had to be someone. I'm going to go cry in a corner now.

A step down
Going from a jack daniels drinking Kurt Russell with a mountain man beard to Mary Winstead does not bode well.

The Daenerys chapters should've been titled "The Bachelorette".


Au contraire, Martin is a leal employer of the word.


edit: "it's like he…"

And was I the only one who noticed Martin using the word "leal" a lot? It's he looked up a synonym for loyal in the thesaurus and got a hard on for it.


Ugh, I hated Theon. Why the fuck does every goddamn fantasy series have to have some fucking Gollum type character. Fucking stupid. Just kill the dumb shit already.

Don't worry, no spoilers.
I just finished the book, and, as someone who has been waiting since Feast, I'm kind of disappointed. It's definitely an improvement over the last book, but it's still all over the place. My main issue is that, whereas the plot seemed to flow naturally from the characters in the first three

In case you're wondering why…
A lot of Netflix's streaming contracts with movie studios are set to expire soon, and you can bet they're going to cost a helluva lot more this time around since streaming is the new thing. There's a chance the cost could jump from $200 million to almost $2 billion. Netflix has gotta do