Ernest Borg 9

Have you ever had experience?
Not necessarily employed, but employable.

Have you ever had experience?
Not necessarily employed, but employable.

Ba chomp! Ba chewy chomp!

Ba chomp! Ba chewy chomp!

I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am!

I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am!

@avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus, what do nine faps a day get you?

@avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus, what do nine faps a day get you?

I'm going to say "yes" and then I'm going to find a non-California resident to submit this for me.

I'm going to say "yes" and then I'm going to find a non-California resident to submit this for me.

Hey, what's the name of that piano bar in Chicago where old gentlemen try to pick up slightly less older women? Like Scarlet's or something? Anyway, I'd totally go back there for Grolsch and white russians.

Hey, what's the name of that piano bar in Chicago where old gentlemen try to pick up slightly less older women? Like Scarlet's or something? Anyway, I'd totally go back there for Grolsch and white russians.

What, no complimentary Grolsch at the screening? Screw that, I'll just hang out at Koski's desk huffing exotic nail polish fumes.

What, no complimentary Grolsch at the screening? Screw that, I'll just hang out at Koski's desk huffing exotic nail polish fumes.

Fine, I'll do a video of a guy making a Post-It animation about the making of a zoetrope version of The Media is the Massage.

Fine, I'll do a video of a guy making a Post-It animation about the making of a zoetrope version of The Media is the Massage.

Better to just do it now, then fax it to the past. That way you don't have to deal with so many women wearing shoulder pads.

Better to just do it now, then fax it to the past. That way you don't have to deal with so many women wearing shoulder pads.