
Just because game design is collaborative it doesn't mean that the people behind it should be ignored. On the contrary, it means that individual contributions should be recognized: Jordan Thomas level design for Fort Frolic in Bioshock and Cradle in Thief 3, Viktor Antonov concept design for Half-Life 2 and

There are already a lot of auteurs in gaming, it is just that not a lot of them are paraded around on expos or allowed to head a promotion cycle. If one wants to see more auteurs recognized, one should start noticing them, following the games they design (write for, direct, contribute in any big way) regardless of the

There is a theory going around that it was Tim Burton who directed Mystery Men, based on a line from the Tom Waits autobio. Of course maybe Waits was drunk out of his mind during filming…

Aren't nerds the privileged ones? Having a lot of time and disposable income to overengage in trashy entertainment, complaining that all women are taken by JERKS? There are a lot of genuinely creepy and mean people in the comic book and video games crowd who don't deserve to be excused by mental disorders.

Another one: Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, the ending sequence with oil-painted-like animation was lovely.

Another one: Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, the ending sequence with oil-painted-like animation was lovely.

The thing is, Moore hasn't pulled any punches when he used any other fictional characters from olden times before - Invisible Man got raped! Doctor Moreau's research was used as biological weapon! It was not very much different from Hogwarts Columbine, people just love the "cranky old creator does not care about us

The thing is, Moore hasn't pulled any punches when he used any other fictional characters from olden times before - Invisible Man got raped! Doctor Moreau's research was used as biological weapon! It was not very much different from Hogwarts Columbine, people just love the "cranky old creator does not care about us

Well, the people who opposed the project did not waste time with it in the first place. Why support DC in milking existing "properties" to the death?

Well, the people who opposed the project did not waste time with it in the first place. Why support DC in milking existing "properties" to the death?

Euron or Victarion?

Euron or Victarion?

Yeah, Prometheus is definetely joining the Ridley Directors Cut Club, the script was begging for more scenes with Idris Elba and Charlise Theron.

Yeah, Prometheus is definetely joining the Ridley Directors Cut Club, the script was begging for more scenes with Idris Elba and Charlise Theron.

The problem is that it is entirely possible to make a good, remarkable, even original mainstream superhero comic. And while some people just made a habit out of wednesday shopping of monthlies about the characters they remember to be beloved since childhood, a lot of readers really hope that the next story is going to

The correct answer is there are no good (as in really Good) Avengers comics. The older stuff aside from maybe Kree-Skrull War is dated (while Justice League International holds pretty well), the Kirby era of the title is sub-par compared to FF or Spider-Man or most solo books, the 90s stuff is trash (duh), the retro

You are giving Millar too much credit.
He is right-wing, not as vocal as Miller in Holy Terror mode or John "Go Super-Israel" Byrne, but still. He said that Iron Man was the good guy in Civil War and encouraged to shoot looters on sight in twitter shittalk during london riots.

In the books, some potion called moon tea is frequently referenced - woman drinks it some time after sex and it works pretty effectively. Though only "witches" have it - if not, highborn and big town ladies would had much less bastardy problems.

Dave Stevens, no major works save for The Rocketeer. Hundreds of pin-ups and covers, though.
David Mazzuchelli, two masterpieces with Miller, some odd issues and blank until his art-comics revival with Rubber Blanket, City of Glass and then with Asterios Polyp.
Jim Steranko, his Marvel output was tiny compared to