Roman DeBeers

Dude, let's jam!!!

1988 was not so bad! It was cooler than the dumb mid-80s, but hadn't yet gotten too cool for school like the dumb early 90s. In short, it was cool and fun and not dumb!

So before I go to bed, you want me to clamp a device to my skull so I can see Jar Jar Binks Lego commercials all night. No, that sounds fucking awesome. Where do I sign?

If she winds up double crossing Tyrion on the show, it will definitely seem like a stretch. They will need to have a scene or two with Tywin exerting some leverage on her—but what?

It depends on what you would consider "satisfactory." At this point, if Dany winds up burning every character and castle to the ground before being stabbed in the back by Grey Worm, I wouldn't be surprised nor disappointed.

Agree 100%. We don't get enough time to care about him in the book, so TV viewers REALLY won't care. I was rolling my eyes when he got all righteous instead of killing Gregor—when the Mountain killed him with a punch, I actually laughed. I never in a million years would have guessed that people had such an emotional

The RW happens in the middle of the book, and Lady Stoneheart doesn't pop up until the epilogue. Why would they spoil the surprise one episode after she dies? I hope they drag it out, like the book—I don't want to see her until Episode 10.

Eh? How is he even interesting, let alone the best character? He always struck me as kind of an idiot. He nearly kills the Mountain, but then he pushes his luck and botches it. Even worse, the Mountain does die—because the spear was poisoned. What kind of a loser POISONS someone during single combat? Feh.

That's awesome. I watch GOT with a small group of people who haven't read the books, and they have the same low expectations. Part of me wants to tell them to stay away from Twitter and Facebook until they watch this episode, but that's almost a spoiler in and of itself. It's hard to bite my tongue, but I'd rather