Dr. Fredo

ELO- "Telephone Line"

Son of an American - The So So Glos

Girls, Girls, Girls- Jay Z

Great ending to the best series of comic films there is. Bale, Caine, Oldman and Freeman finish out great and Hardy was AWESOME. Totally was Bane and I really, really liked the reworking of him as Talia's protector. Kind of gave a heart to the beast. Same with Hathaway as Catwoman sultry yet tough and more than an

Great ending to the best series of comic films there is. Bale, Caine, Oldman and Freeman finish out great and Hardy was AWESOME. Totally was Bane and I really, really liked the reworking of him as Talia's protector. Kind of gave a heart to the beast. Same with Hathaway as Catwoman sultry yet tough and more than an

I wrote too much but haters can suck it

I wrote too much but haters can suck it

What’s your gender and age? All man and 22

What’s your gender and age? All man and 22