
He's definitely able to say more, but for all the riches in there (the point about the blues as devils music was nice, also the people he mentions) the SNL part is noticeably absent. What was his working relation with SNL, etc.. as it does seem that he didn't get much support as his other castmates went on to big film

Sure, could be. Although there is down time with Community. But she has only had the kinds of blink-and-miss roles (like in that underhelming Steve Carell movie "Incredible Burt Wonderstone") that are the equivalent of "Blonde Girl 1" — it's hardly the point where an actor starts after getting five years on tv, even

Gillian Jacobs must either have the worst agent ever, or some strange career plan. She's got looks, can act, and definitely has a following with support from doing Community, where she can hold her own in the strong ensemble, but all she gets in movie work are really walk-on incidental roles, almost unnecessary.

I prefer Bob Denver in the role of a more hip Maynard G. Krebs rather than over-the-top Gilligan. The Jughead to Dobie's Archie. The "Beatnik" seemed to fascinate tv audiences back then, I was watching the gameshow Password on youtube and was surprised how many early episodes featured it as a clue.

He could trade stories later with Michael J. Pollard on the set of "Bonnie and Clyde."

This show came out of the gates in full gallop, I really respect that for a first season. But if Rick were so damn smart, why doesn't one of him just cure his stupid belching / stuttering, a really boring mannerism that he shares with Morty, and get on with some real voice acting.

At this point, they could just reduce FG to a list of scenes, like one long, action-movie fight between Peter and the Rooster, a Stewie/Brian exchange, a Quagmire innuendo, etc. and let the audience decide how to put it together.

How did "I Spy" not make it on this list.

Granted. But judging by many hosts, doing that live, with none of those sitcom breaks for correction or re-do, all while plausibly acting is not as easy as it seeems.

First of all: We're talking women characters (except for the mother) starting at the same age as todays Kim Gordon, Kim Deal … etc… The way Hollywood played older women felt like it was more of a drag show from the first day.
I definitely watched and enjoyed the show at times, mostly late night rerun, and I think

That Stan episode was ridiculous. And Cheech Marin was a regular, and hardly hides his contempt about that show, if he even answers any question about it. Not that he's going to be the measure of classy productions or whatever, but it gives the sense something was very off.

That really surprises me and definitely sounds pretty insufferable. And it wasn't because like all three-cam sitcoms they had to shoot multiple times for wide, close-up and reaction coverage I guess? I mean, there is always such positive spin on - for one example - Betty White being so professional and such. She

You're right, I forgot about that. They are all more interesting to connect and renew to than the option about art in this episode. I find it funny that the world around the couch has so much value as props - what is the couch without that painting?

Courtney Love was always the Kardashian of the era. She's not really known for her albums, face it, already then it was clear she copped her fashion style from more interesting grrrls and after hooking up with Kurt and her music improving suddenly. She was already about controlling the legend in the making. You had

Nice enough, but the Simpsons did show Marge had a stack of those boat paintings to replace a damaged one when necessary. That back reference could have been nicer to keep going with, especially if the theme includes "art" - as in why did you have all these same paintings again? Marge's idea of the boat painting as

When Abed tells them the necromancer had escaped and Hickey says something to the extent of "that's not fair, you owe me a resolution" it's at the moment Abed responds - he almost looks into the camera,focuses and states exactly what he does (the unlimited possibilities restricted through rules etc.. the creative

Finding the right format for any discussion is part of the work, not just remaking a sloppy version of "Not without my Daughter" with an "accidental" kidnapping.

From the same newspapers and channels packaging your soundbyte racism as cultural insights: those fathers who held their daughters captive in special made houses/prisons and raped and impregnated them while neighbors didn't care, and men who have kidnapped and held women in their house captive for years … you know,

They could merge it with the new "Alice in Arabia" and update it as:

Hey now — Fred McMurray at least proved himself as a star in a noir classic. He acted the star - in My Three Sons the 'sons'/actors hardly saw 'Dad' who shot all his scenes for the season in one lump and then went off for his golfing and Disney movies etc.