
TV/magazines/advertising show a fantasy ideal, so it is jarring to suddenly see an ordinary, dumpy person. Lena looks worse in this context than she ever would in "real life" where she is average; in the media, the average is skewed. And I'm not blaming "the media", it only shows what the majority of people want to

Yes, what am I supposed to tell my obese friend who asks "do I look fat in this?" about every outfit she puts on? "Yeah, you look fat in everything"? Because that seems pretty mean to me. She has a mirror, she knows she is fat, why is she asking, except to be reassured otherwise?

I didn't care for Raj stripping either. It felt like season 3, when the show featured a "humiliate Sheldon" storyline every week. In fact it seemed a lot like the episode where Sheldon gets drunk to cure stage fright, and moons the audience at his award ceremony. Like that episode, I loved it up until the last few

I didn't think the squabbling panel bit was funny, but loved Sheldon's reactions to it.

Speaking of reading material, the Gorn in Sheldon's spot last week was reading a magazine called "Gorn."

Is this the Community fan club meeting?

I thought this one started out slowly; Leonard's embarrassing attempts to act "confident" just made me squirm. The last half was very funny, starting when the FBI agent knocked on Sheldon's door. People keep complaining that the show is too Sheldon-centered, but his scenes are always the high point of the show, so

I much prefer season 4 (so far), to the first half of season 3. It has been funnier and seems more like past seasons with the Leonard/Penny plotline out of the way.

Very strange, considering Sheldon didn't care at all about the guys hitting on his own sister in season 1. That is, until Leonard pointed out that the Cooper family DNA could be diluted with inferior stock if Sheldon didn't supervise his sister's choice of mate.

Scenes like that one are filmed in advance. Then the finished scene is shown to the audience on monitors.

Didn't Sheldon build the robot after falling down the stairs, because he realized at his age an accident is the most likely cause of death? Staying in bed will not prevent appendicitis, so the show would not have made sense this way.

"When we deceive for personal gain…
…we make Jesus cry." Good line, but was even better when used on The Simpsons years ago ("lies make baby Jesus cry.")

Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) is on a new show next season, Wright vs Wrong, so they probably just wrote out her character due to scheduling conflicts. Howard said he had 8 dates from a computer matchmaking site in this week's episode ("12 if you count the ones who showed up and then left"), so I would guess she is gone

*sigh* Lovely Sheldon. The show knows that his eventual de-flowering is a ratings goldmine. Notice the misleading promos and photos released prior to any episode that might possibly be construed this way (kissing Leonard's mother, with Martha the Green Lantern fan, giggling with Dr. Plimpton with Leonard conveniently

Since when is Sheldon a Mickey Mouse ears kind of guy? I could see if it was Superhero Land or something. This just felt like out-of-character product placement. Also, enough with the infantilizing gags. I would give this episode a C-.

I LOVED THIS EPISODE up until Sheldon took the stage at the banquet. Then I was too embarrassed for him to enjoy the rest, even though I liked some of his jokes and the elements song. Hated the YouTube video/dark side of the moon/Uranus jokes, it would have been much better if Sheldon had just asked "where are my

Sheldon looked like Temple Grandin in his cowboy suit.

Since when does Sheldon allow a stranger into his room that easily? Let alone sleeping in a different bed to accommodate her.

Eugene Levy would be perfect as Leonard's dad. John Goodman could be Penny's dad - blue collar Midwestern guy whose son is "kind of a chemist." Hey there, Slugger!

Eeew, Kripke is the least attractive guy on the show.