
Allow me to slap that "basic literacy" insult right back at you. Only one paragraph of my post addresses the review. The rest is a sorely needed explanation for this site's un/misinformed commenters—of which there are several (judging from this comments section).

Allow me to slap that "basic literacy" insult right back at you. Only one paragraph of my post addresses the review. The rest is a sorely needed explanation for this site's un/misinformed commenters—of which there are several (judging from this comments section).

Cool, another dated and misguided attempt to understand 4chan. A pointless book.

Cool, another dated and misguided attempt to understand 4chan. A pointless book.

Y U NO is a garbage Reddit meme. Don't associate it with 4chan.

Yeah, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, Jim.

>implying 70's erotica is worth even writing an article about
OP confirmed for tryhard