Dickie Crickets

I was at the Asian Man anniversary shows, and The Broadways show at Bottom of the Hill was amazing. The fact that it happened in the afternoon and the place was still packed wall to wall with hung over people says a lot about how much people wanted to see the band. It's funny you mention having your arms wrapped

Wake Up is one of my favorite songs ever. I will never tire of it.

He was great in Silver Linings Playbook. Maybe I think that because I see too much of his character in myself. I do the same thing with the remote when I watch ND football games. It's kind of sick, really.

Red Scare is where it's at. Best record label at the moment?

Dang. You're absolutely right. I thought maybe Dukie grew up. Thanks for pointing that out.

Also, was that Dukie in the Scotty Scares 'Em skit?

It looks like E.Buzz wins. I almost totally agree, except I would move Real Emotional Trash up to 5 and everything below that down one. Yup. Oh, you know, I might switch Crooked Rain and Slanted as well. How about I just agree that 1 and 2 are definitely the right answer for 1 and 2.

Oh brother, Where Art Thou
Thank you for mentioning the missing brother and sister. My roommate and I crack up at their absence. Especially Kemetko's bro. Dude's in a wheelchair. Where could he be all the damn time? When Payless' dad showed up at the campfire 2 episodes ago with no explanation (they explained the

@Curly, I really would love a Talisman series. AMC, maybe? I also have tried many times to pick up and read Black House and I just can't do it. I think it is the only Stephen King book I could never pick up and just run with.

I almost stopped watching the show after that episode. There was no reason it should have been so mean-spirited to someone who wasn't even in the wrong. I like to think that the episode never happened. What were they thinking?