I was thinking this was staged too. Did they have a tour scheduled to support the album? If so, the staged theory gets shot to hell.
I was thinking this was staged too. Did they have a tour scheduled to support the album? If so, the staged theory gets shot to hell.
Six Letters: Staged
Six Letters: Staged
my sentiments exactly…23 hours ago….without spammy links
my sentiments exactly…23 hours ago….without spammy links
Ballad was super entertaining but I liked the storytelling in the last two. I think there's some real competition here.
Ballad was super entertaining but I liked the storytelling in the last two. I think there's some real competition here.
Nice use of the graphics and sound design for the texting scene.
Nice use of the graphics and sound design for the texting scene.
2 weeks in a row of solid entries! This really restored my faith in this series.
2 weeks in a row of solid entries! This really restored my faith in this series.
Finds 1060 W Addison…Dammit Elwood!
Finds 1060 W Addison…Dammit Elwood!
This one brought some hope back to this series being quality. The technical issues (especially with sound) are forgivable because the storytelling was good. I really liked of the bar scene mixed with to going to the theater; great solution to making necessary exposition and process shots interesting without…
This one brought some hope back to this series being quality. The technical issues (especially with sound) are forgivable because the storytelling was good. I really liked of the bar scene mixed with to going to the theater; great solution to making necessary exposition and process shots interesting without…
Los Lobos! Fuck that was good pick. I haven't heard much from them but man that's an awesome song.
Los Lobos! Fuck that was good pick. I haven't heard much from them but man that's an awesome song.
All I can think is, "What if Rick Moranis played Napoleon Dynamite after grad school."
All I can think is, "What if Rick Moranis played Napoleon Dynamite after grad school."
If I had to chug a Grolsh with every trope identified in this piece, I would have alcohol poisoning. It didn't seem like Monuz was even having fun with them. "I hate you/let's get divorced!" was funny but couldn't redeem every played out weirdness signifier starting with a ticking clock with way too much delay.