*Who the fuck are you!*
*Who the fuck are you!*
What kind of money? *Pesos!*
What kind of money? *Rupees!*
What kind of money? *Yen!*
What kind of drugs Denny? *Flintstones Chewable Morphine!*
The Priest the Called Him (diff't title, same story/or a rewrite) w Kurt Cobain is worth purchasing.
@KCTom I'm with you there - Western Lands was a great piece.
I don't see Roger making the effort to commit suicide. He's too much of a weasel to think he has no other option but death in any situation. The two pivotal Roger scenes - in the hotel room and later with Joan show he'd rather lie or try to be charming to get out of any situation.
@bah! and zircona1 My punchline is from the Japanese cassette tape import.
Cred? Really?
I heard the Fucked Up 7" on wax cylinder.
Typographic video v Official production
Gotta say I liked the first one best. It was a simple, allowed FUCK YOU in big bold letters, and perfect for starting a meme. The new one, while campy and fun, just seems like a waste of money.
How does watching the movie at home remedy the pacing?
@joaquinstick I think the distinction isn't based on blue/white collar. Plenty of executives like working on cars while listening to country music before a footbal game.
Lots of bubblegum in the Motown catalogue.
There are entire TV stations, radio stations, sections of the daily newspaper dedicated to sports and its associated geekery. I think they built an entire internets for men who play with balls.
and there weill be bacon
We need to mix intenet memes too!
5 bucks says the opening scene will include this
@elrond Right on Rusty Cage. Got just enough airplay to get it in my head but not enough to kill the song forever.
Doubt he'll make it to Sturgis nevermind the stage.
@leper I though of the tilde, but, in logic the tilde means "not" and in mathematics it is keyboard short hand for "approximately". Both contexts diminish the value of the question mark whereas the caret accentuates it.
@TheTuck How about using the caret to modify the question mark? Like this=> ^?
ka ZING!
The concept of Larry King Live should go away with him. It was an adaptation of his old radio show. Another interview type show could take the time slot but the host show shouldn't be regarded as the heir to the show.