
Just feed him some more death sticks. Duh.

It's okay; they're actually woven by the food processors and double as emergency rations. The downside is that they're so fragile Kirk tears his shirt in half every time he falls down.

We even saw them on screen in "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and "Charlie X." And "The Cage," I suppose, but I don't really count that one.

That's the sort of question that always occurs to me during a movie. However, in this case, when she's hunkered down behind her shield against the brunt of the machine-gun fire, you can see at least two tracer rounds bounce off of her armored greaves, just below the shield.

Pro or amateur, everything's filmed "gonzo-style" in digital HD today. I miss the days of my youth when your pro-gay propaganda had actual stories, acting, and a soundtrack, damn it!

It might just be my area of the country, but we'd just call him a "Boy Scout." Growing up, I never heard anyone refer to Captain America outside of the Avengers comic book.

Oh, God, as much as I love Winter Soldier, if I read someone describe it as a "70's-style political thriller" in these comments one more time…

Poster also admitted, "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt."

Trump: "I gotta change the combination on my nuclear football!"

That was no black guy! That was Tuvok (Tim Russ)!

So, no change then.

The state lawsuits are over domestic emoluments, which I didn't even know was a thing. Which raises the possibility that the rest of the states—say, California, maybe?—could file suit as well.

From what I understand, she was not required for the original case. According to the Los Angeles Times, he was indicted on six felonies, and the reason the prosecution agreed to the plea deal dropping the more serious charges was "because the victim's family did not want to subject her to the trauma of testifying at

I'd like to point out that this was 1978, so we're not talking about onerous sentencing even if he hadn't fled. From the Los Angeles Times: "Prison officials released Polanski after 42 days and advised the judge that testing indicated his sentence should not include additional prison time. [Judge] Rittenbrand labeled

I would never watch it, so I always wondered if the Wanted and Desired subtitle was a reference to his Hollywood acclaim, a questioning of the victim's motivations, or an in-joke to the filmmaker's own obvious ladyboner for Polanski.

I like to think that ninety percent of them died off during the first winter, which could easily have been prevented had they retained their medical, agricultural, and city-building technologies.

I remember the (September?) toy prelaunch when everyone was chasing the Captain Phasma toys. BWAH-HA-HA!

Didn't care for Natasha & Bruce, but that wasn't nearly as disturbing as the Wanda & Vision stuff where we were supposed to view them as cute even though he's secretly her jailer.

I avoid 3D movies like the plague, so we went to the biggest 2D screen in town on Saturday (our mini-IMAX was 3D-only). Out of curiosity, what was your opinion of the 3D treatment?

I believe you misspelled "chickenfuckers." It's a common mix-up.