
You could say, the A.V. Club was inside each of us this whole time...

Should've spent the Martian dollars on the Illudium name-brand instead of the generic.

It took me a while to stop reading the Buffy comic, even though I wasn't enjoying it. I concluded at the time that it was because it didn't have the actors bringing their interpretations of their characters, but you've reminded me that there were also other writers involved in the show.

Also, I think that his brief response basically reads as "my ex-wife is a lying bitch and, while I have too much respect for her and our children to tell everyone exactly what she lied about, I don't have so much respect for them that I will refrain from passively-aggressively calling her a lying bitch in this classy

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil 2: The Appalachian White House

And I appreciate that whenever he talks about his work, he seems really passionate about everything he's doing. The movie might turn out a mess, but it will never be phoned in.

I like the opening lines of the article that describes Snyder's films as "wildly divisive critically" as to whether they are threats or menaces.

Still better than this movie is likely to be.

A real shooter would definitely be handloading their spent casings. Much cheaper and where are you going to buy silver bullets should there be a supernatural apocalypse?

Roles in multiple television series and the occasional movie, apparently.

I'll miss you most of all, Manimal.

Wait, that's what fapping means? Oh, God, I've been doing it wrong this whole time!

Half serious. I knew true addiction was classified as a disease now, but, as sex addiction doesn't seem to have been stated or implied, I was half-joking as to the gutlessness of Whedon's excuse to his wife.

A hired goon?

Shit, man, I think even Manimal stopped pulling that bullshit wankery a while back. Balls.

Age of Ultron, the one I'm hoping Justice League in no way resembles. Ugh.

Disease, please. Weakness implies some measure of culpability.

Can she actually fly like in the comics, or just jump really high? I'd think that would give her a leg up in dodging swords.

For your statement to be true, the other two accusers, Charlotte Lewis and "Robin M.," would both have to be lying. That still leaves the fact that his flight to avoid sentencing was in itself a separate crime from the drugging, rape and sodomy.

Is the kitty keychain available for mail-order? I would buy one for my tiny friend who works in an iffy area of town now.