
Sigh… can't we ever have normal Phoenix? The Phoenix did non-dark, constructive things when bonded with Jean like save the universe from the M'Kraan Crystal. She only after became corrupted and dark after refusing to break the bond with Jean. Couldn't we have that part of the story first? Then we might actually

Did anyone else notice the woman's shirt in the article pic (the one getting food)? The heck is that…

Tommen: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore".

I feel like this review is nitpicking just to nitpick. Yes, I do agree that there have been certain instances of people traveling VERY quickly. But all around, for a show that has had 5+ seasons of setup, I think it makes sense for the show to be going full throttle.

Cersai ascends to the throne… This truly is the darkest timeline.

Cersai ascends to the throne… This truly is the darkest timeline.

Hey man… the AV Clubbers are here for you if you need a hug…

I was really pleased that Littlefinger Bravehearted the mess out of Ramsay. It is totally what I was expecting, and it absolutely paid off.

I said this EXACT thing to my girlfriend. She agreed and replied that Sansa should have said "wait like… 30 minutes before sending in all your men, so this whole other army can arrive".

The choreography with Jon Snow twirling through the battle field in that "long" cut was amazing. I put the long in quotes because for a normal scene, it wasn't really that long. However, for that kind of action scene, with that much mayhem, I thought it was extremely impressive.

Philip offers to get Martha some ice to ease the pain from being gut punched. That seems to be all that he can ever do for her: try to make everything seem alright but not actually protect her.

And this underwear I took from her dresser!

Please get something from my bag… Its a picture of myself! When I am feeling down I like to stare at it and think about how awesome I am!

Jesus Christ, who pissed in your cereal this morning? I thought your comment was funny and was trying to extend on it.

Imagine my disappointment when I looked back up at his name and it was not, in fact, "The Biggest, Wettest Fart", "Farts McGee", "SomeGuy McFartsALot" etc.

Goddamnit Barry! Since you brought that time wraith back with you, random red shirt cop guy never went on his coffee break since he accidentally shot random cop guy #2. Since he didn't go to Starbucks, the guy behind him in line got his coffee 2 minutes faster and didn't stand in line thinking about opening that new

Did anyone else feel like past-Barry was generally much nicer and more charismatic than our future / present-Barry? I think that was intentional and it makes sense, it also just made me miss the fun of season one. Two has been OK, but it is definitely a lot more mopey.

Hawkeye? What? No. No No No.

So at the onset of the episode, I suspected the thief was going to be Roy. I may have read a caption that spoiled his appearance, but I was on the lookout. However, at the start of the episode, when Thea catches him, he just lays there as she passes out, nearly falling to her death off the roof! Oliver of course