Who Cares I Just Watch TV

"I call it the Snow Salad. It's a pun, see, because it's just iceberg lettuce, right? Hah hah, and since Russia gets a lot of snow, I'm dressing it with russian dressing. And blue cheese crumbles kind of look like snow, too, right? Anyway, it's great. Try it."

*bares teeth vaguely menacingly*

Okay, okay, everybody meet my Canadian girlfriend Amily. See? I told you she was real!

"Go to the Wall, and don't come back empty-handed."

The Young & The Rhesus

Also Nikki Glaser and Jon …Glaser.

here you go

I've been following comedy for about ten years, since right around when Chappelle bailed on fame. Since then, basically two comics have really *HIT* in the same way that Dave had, or Rock before him, or Seinfeld before that: Louis C.K. and Amy Schumer. I know it seems like there's a new post about her every day, but

When you're just shy of a runaway, and one contestant doesn't have enough money to matter (less than a third of the other) it doesn't matter how much money you have left. You have to assume the contestant with just over half your score is going to be correct. You have to know that a wager as small as a dollar isn't

It's a moo point.

I loved the scene in the police station. The girls rampaging around, the bail officer on break, and Louie just says, "Okay, I'll wait" with a smile, knowing exactly how it'll pan out. Just great.

well yeah, i mean, like, duh

I don't think either the joke or jacket theft was "real" - Todd has always talked to Louie like that, and he could have mentioned the nightmares to Nick on another unseen occasion. Tying them into a dream keeps the logic as off-kilter as a dream tends to be. Louie wouldn't have reacted like that to the jacket theft so

Agreed on the first part. Also, I looked it up and his name is spelled Sanjay, as it has been every time I've met someone named Sanjay. It took me about 2 seconds to find the episode page on IMDB. He's listed immediately following Andrew Daly as Principal Brown.

You object to nerd minstrel?

Giraldo v. Leary on Tough Crowd will always be one of my fondest TV memories.

does that mean we haven't yet met Doctow Wiwey?

they've already laid that ground with the 'indexing' thing. the ground they're laying now is for infinity war part 1 or 2 with the terrigen bomb.