Who Cares I Just Watch TV

you could trade that it's for the its in the article and make at least three people happy

especially considering the marvel stance on film + tv as opposed to the dc/wb stance

if we have to see patton oswalt in drag i'm quitting this show

prediction: ward rescues skye, helps her see the error of jiaying's ways; skye escapes, kills 33, fitz kills ward, simmons never forgives him

"May" told Bobbi they were 'scouting ahead' so they probably left an hour before the rest of the planes.

When Jen found the first round DD and whiffed on the wager, I announced to my wife and dogs, "She's not allowed to win." That was maybe the worst, dumbest bet I've seen in recent Jeopardy! memory. She was in the lead for a short stretch and I had to steel myself to root for Worst Mustache Ever in hopes that he would

Okay I know reviewers aren't allowed to give an A+ unless some arcane spell is cast (where's Archmage) but goddamnit why can't I give an A+ to cancel out whoever the fuck dragged the community grade down to an A-

Considering Alia Shawkat isn't really on TV any more, Ilana is absolutely in the top spot. Their appearance and storyline together made me absolutely disgusted with myself.

'My favorite half-hour of television since "Pancakes; Divorce; Pancakes".'


Our house has already forgotten this video.

If you don't have a grasp on how works are written, be they symphonies or sketches, you're going to miss out on a lot of their value. I didn't suggest the research specifically for this episode.

coneheads (film, noun): fucking awful, terrible, hideous, a waste of celluloid, net-harmful to humanity, a typical Aykroyd venture

i'm from the states and have always lived here, but i recognized novocastrian as latin for 'someone from newcastle' within about 3/4 of a second. it might not be common, but they do make a beer that's fairly popular over here.

sorry. people keep bringing it up. you aren't the first. if we remove that stimulus, we may remove the effect. if it keeps happening after the stimulus is removed, then we can start with the shaming. but first, we have to stop mentioning it.

ugh can they just quit with the video categories already, they're painful at best

I'm a bit disappointed in the review dismissing the structure of the episode. The one-two punch of "Makeup" and "Plain Jane" was what really made it sing, and the theme come into play. I don't disagree with the grade, as several episodes have been funnier than this, but this season already seems to have a tighter

thanks for watching, go the fuck away

i think you need to research the meaning of the words "theme" and "leitmotif" and maybe revisit the episode.

Stop asking him and he'll stop doing it.