Who Cares I Just Watch TV

i think you misread the sentence

general success in the acting field, a good agent, distaste for the heat and humidity of georgia summers

i know what the word means

also good company

the only other constable i know of on tv is bob from justified (patton oswalt). rick and michonne are in good company.

you know what? it honestly hadn't occurred to me that he might have accidentally a word. thanks for doing me this solid. my eyes. they are open.

damnit you might have convinced me

ok, i can accept that. let's be friendly about this.

I can see this being good if and only if this is the case: it takes place two years after the original. Ford and Young both have cameos at the end, having aged 35ish years since the first film. Moore's law allows for some tech upgrades, but not enough to distance the sequel too far. Tyrell is still run by an aging

Besides those things, grammar textbooks exist.

dont knock cheezits bruh

the russos hadn't done anything serious or cgi'd or superhero…y before cap 2 but they made one of the best of 2014. cynicism is fun but it's supposed to be about the story

" 'Jour Monsieur Deck-'ard, l'habítued, oui? "
" Yeah, thanks Henry "
* passes poutine *

don't you try and bullshit me, metallic anything is a gradient of pantones

congratulation you are the mythical proving exception

thomas dolby still kicks ass

apparently he never read the script for kiss kiss, bang bang, which makes sense. there wasn't a role for him in it.

Yo! MTV Sucks!

the damn atlanta nbc affiliate preempted the whole damn thing for more damn weather coverage HEY WEATHERMEN GUESS WHAT IF IT SNOWS IT SNOWS WATCHAGONDOOOOO

technophobe? or technophile?