
I can beleive the whole mysterious commenter thing would freak her out. I mean, at first the blog was anonymous. First she was "Invisible Girl" then "That Girl." So when she gained a bit more confidence and became "I Am Jenna Hamilton", I can understand that she would forget to change her privacy settings, or just not

I keep correcting her and she knows she's saying it wrong, but she keeps saying Gatara (pronounced Guitar-a).

I keep correcting her and she knows she's saying it wrong, but she keeps saying Gatara (pronounced Guitar-a).

@avclub-9da69292e584b8204f05c2be827c0347:disqus  Nah, I'm just her uncle. She's not old enough to have her own account yet.

@avclub-9da69292e584b8204f05c2be827c0347:disqus  Nah, I'm just her uncle. She's not old enough to have her own account yet.

Yeah, now that I see it again, I phrased it really awkwardly.

Yeah, now that I see it again, I phrased it really awkwardly.

Well… this was more difficult than I anticipated. Decided to interview my niece.

Well… this was more difficult than I anticipated. Decided to interview my niece.

Change approved.

Change approved.

Yep. Tumblr expresses their emotions in .gifs, the A.V. Club expresses their emotions with sandwiches.

Yep. Tumblr expresses their emotions in .gifs, the A.V. Club expresses their emotions with sandwiches.

This week's Lin Bei Fong Award For Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Badass Motherfuckery goes to Bolin for boulder-punching the shit out of, and calling out a terrible father. Also, it's about damn time Bolin got some action!

This week's Lin Bei Fong Award For Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Badass Motherfuckery goes to Bolin for boulder-punching the shit out of, and calling out a terrible father. Also, it's about damn time Bolin got some action!

Lin was the obvious answer. I wanted to give a longer, more boring answer. Liking Lin the most was a foregone conclusion.

Lin was the obvious answer. I wanted to give a longer, more boring answer. Liking Lin the most was a foregone conclusion.



@avclub-68c81a145181a6b3092221895a3fd1a9:disqus Yeah, it's a sausage fest up in here, yo. I was certain half of these guys were girls… Though I did correctly guess you were a girl. 5 points to Ravenclaw!