
@avclub-68c81a145181a6b3092221895a3fd1a9:disqus Yeah, it's a sausage fest up in here, yo. I was certain half of these guys were girls… Though I did correctly guess you were a girl. 5 points to Ravenclaw!

-I am a 22 y/o male.

-I am a 22 y/o male.

The A to B- range is functionally A's and A-'s. I beleive Emily explained that she grades episodes up or down depending on how much she liked it compared to the previous episode. So the difference between letter grades is so slight because the episodes are so consistently excellent that the only standard the show can

The A to B- range is functionally A's and A-'s. I beleive Emily explained that she grades episodes up or down depending on how much she liked it compared to the previous episode. So the difference between letter grades is so slight because the episodes are so consistently excellent that the only standard the show can

I don't know why it was so exciting for me to listen to Korra and Britta have a conversation about drag queens.

I don't know why it was so exciting for me to listen to Korra and Britta have a conversation about drag queens.

That statistic alone has me absolutely devastated. I don't think I'd be able to handle seeing the whole film.

That statistic alone has me absolutely devastated. I don't think I'd be able to handle seeing the whole film.

No no, Teen Wolf's terrible in a way which just makes it hard to be invested in, but Glee's terrible in a way which I'm fervently offended by and resentful of most the shit they continuously try to pull off while patting themselves on the back for being so provocative and inspirational when they've earned nothing and

No no, Teen Wolf's terrible in a way which just makes it hard to be invested in, but Glee's terrible in a way which I'm fervently offended by and resentful of most the shit they continuously try to pull off while patting themselves on the back for being so provocative and inspirational when they've earned nothing and

Interestingly, I don't actually hate the show, there are just parts of it that are SO grating, I can't bear through it all the way. I don't understand how I can so passionately hate Glee but still watch a whole episode, but actually have parts about Teen Wolf I do like and, at some level, WANT to watch yet can't

Interestingly, I don't actually hate the show, there are just parts of it that are SO grating, I can't bear through it all the way. I don't understand how I can so passionately hate Glee but still watch a whole episode, but actually have parts about Teen Wolf I do like and, at some level, WANT to watch yet can't

I didn't know there were so many sluts on Tumblr, I thought it was just a bunch of raging feminists who articulated their feelings in .gif form.

I didn't know there were so many sluts on Tumblr, I thought it was just a bunch of raging feminists who articulated their feelings in .gif form.

No, just inaccurate.

No, just inaccurate.

The apposite term in that context is "eponymous." But I suppose it doesn't inspire the same amount of pervy comments as "titular."

The apposite term in that context is "eponymous." But I suppose it doesn't inspire the same amount of pervy comments as "titular."