
Yeah, this isn't the Glee universe where the worst someone will do is sing a really mean song at you, but come around eventually.

Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. Mostly because its incredibly obvious and greater writers have tripped all over his archetype before.

First impressions are good for Jess and Finn.

I didn't get my fill of Schmidt last week and I spent the whole time spiraling into depression.

I once watched The Last Airbender movie online.

To be honest, I think his crush on Kurt was mostly out of a sense of urgency in his looming depression. Kurt was just the most familiar target (that hadn't actually bullied him) of the few peers that were openly gay. In a way, Kurt was more of a representation of what Dave wanted to BE rather than who Dave wanted to

Here's how I tend to summarize my opinion of Glee:

I'm still trying to forget the whole competition part even happened.

Oh Glee, you haven't earned this, nor do you have the capability to do it justice.

I like how Schmidt's penis apparently gets red eye.

This episode sure was… quotable.

It's mostly to do with how sloppily the writers are throwing Steve around. For some reason, they seem to think Steve is a character we should inherently like without much cause to, and then they keep making him more and more unlikeable. At least with Frank or Frank's mother, they're written in such a way that they're

I beleive they mean "eponymous" as opposed to "titular."

How awful does the line-up have to be before you make "Fuck This, Just Watch Porn" the Top Pick?

Steve is an awful idea.

Dear science,

Gay guy, talkin' 'bout What's On Tonight:

Yeah, that part made me loose my Schmidt.

This episode actually made Mercedes one of the characters I still give a shit about.

Personally, I see Jesus as a reflection of the ego. I.E. every Christian
has their own version of Jesus who conveniently shares their same
moralistic ideals (which is why, depending on the person, Jesus hate
gays or Jesus loves gays and anyone who believes the opposite doesn't
truly know Jesus). So when a Christian