
I have a feeling this is going to be a Your Mileage May Vary episode. 

The worst part of this episode was that James Wolk left and Steve returned.


There is no god.

From Doctor Who alone *ahem*
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Amy Pond
Jamie McCrimmon
Sacred/Scared Bob
UNIT Private Ross Jenkins
Teenage Kazran
The Thin Gay Widowed Anglican Marine
Maria's dad from the Sarah Jane Adventures
No one from Torchwood
Seriously, no one
The ginger soothsayer from The Fires of Pompeii
The specky blonde fella at

Not offensive, just a bit annoying that they think gay characters have to fulfill certain requirements. I don't regard it as a valid complaint, I should say. Unless the complaint is, "Despite being gay, Max sure falls in love with a lot of women."

I wouldn't say Dave's storyline was the weakest, I just enjoyed it more the first time I watched it in my head 15 minutes before it played out.

Any time someone pulls out "despite being gay", I tend to disregard anything they say. The reason Max works for me is that he doesn't fit the bill of the archetypal TV gay character.

It might be a Thing for some people. I remember back when Schmidt from
New Girl guest starred as Max's romantic interest, people were all "WHY
THEY NO MAKE KISSY MOUTHS?!" And were apparently offended by the writers
being "too scared" to give him an arc. People take their gays

My… erm…

I need to start watching this again. I miss it. =(

Characters who I still give a shit about:
-Emma (a.k.a. Professor Dollface)
-Professor Dollface’s pamphlets
-Darren Criss
-The background drummer

Schmidt is fast becoming one of my favorite TV characters.

I think Debbie and Little Hank work for me in a way because Little Hank reminds me of Frank, and Debbie has always had a weird-but-affectionate relationship with Frank even though he didn't reciprocate or appreciate it. She has a blind spot to the potential criminal and alcoholic in Little Hank because she has the

At one point, I beleive I heard the greatest vacuous reality TV straining-to-find-new-ways-to-say-"you're-talented" compliment ever from Aguilera, which was something along the lines of "You made me want to push my button. So thank you for being here and giving us the opportunity to push our buttons."

He was a senior when she was a sophomore.

Seriously, no other scripted comedy on television makes me laugh this hard with regular frequency.

There was a lot of "meh" here for me.

Certainly this hypothetical mash-up wedding will consist solely of mash-ups.

Of course his best man is Finn. Will doesn't have any other friends.