
The moment "Summer Lovin'" started, I paused the episode and debated whether or not it would be at all worth it to continue. Not just continue the song, but to continue the episode, Glee, and life.

From how I viewed the episode, I think it does work better with specifically that being explained in the beginning because otherwise, being a narc all along was such a bizarre thing that it felt kind of cheep. The tone of the episode suggested Tessa's busybody antics were the punchline of a joke I didn't understand.

I missed the first few minutes of the episode, so I spent the whole time thinking Josh was genuinely gay. So the narc revelation at the end actually had me more surprised than 95% of the other shows that tried similar misdirects without revealing it in the beginning. Including the b-plot which I found pretty obvious,

It does speak many levels for his acting and Moffat's writing when together they can bring a tear to my eye with just a silent look.

No nods for Glee?

I was emotionally confused coming out of that episode. I was weirdly unable to separate fiction and reality when I watched. The streams sort of crossed and I'm not sure if it was spectacular or dreadful.

Outstanding episode. Genuinely one of the few episodes of the Davies era that moved me emotionally. Without it, I doubt Donna's eventual memory-erasing would have worked for me.

Half way through, I thought "well, this is going to be bad" which, as a Christmas special, at least meant it could still be a bit of lively fun.

Which is more or less true for the inverse of my relationship with X Factor. Although I probably won't be hearing much from them in the future, but I'll certainly be checking in on them from time to time.

I quite like it, actually.

I couldn't help but think of Happy Endings when they went to face their bully, then came to an emotional breakthrough but proceeded to attempt to fight and subsequently get their asses kicked.

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