
Jay-Z 'A Star is Born'

But Blade 3 had Triple H! The Game! If you're not down with that, he's got two words for ya

Depp doesn't see his own movies
I think he said on Inside the Actor's Studio that he never watches his own movies, so him not seeing POTC is in line with this rather than some dismissal of the franchise. Besides, there's that famous story about making The Big Sleep where Howard Hawks and Bogart didn't know who killed

500 Days of Summer
Both those characters didn't deserve love. One was a sentimental man-boy, while the other was a heartless manipulative bitch.

Best part of this movie was older Pete from Pete and Pete as 'The Bagel Guy'

The New Years Eve Party in Bioshock
Even though you don't see it, you know shit got INTENSE in Rapture

If ya'll like Blood Simple, I suggest you check out "The Square", an Australian film noir from 2008. It's another movie about people scheming that have no business scheming.

John Romero
From Wolfenstein 3-D, Doom, and Quake to Diakatana, cell phone games, and obscurity.

That 'KO' sound clip
is from Street Fighter Alpha 3. Does this make me a nerd?

Michael Bolton
I celebrate the guy's entire catalogue

Pshaw, Marge is old hat! Give my Leela any day

And now, the Big Ear Family
ehhhhhhhhh, this goes on for 12 more minutes

Give Aja time. Maybe he's one of those directors that's only as good as the screenplay he's given, and is just happy to be working in Hollywood. Let him get his footing and work with a talented up-and-comer to reestablish himself. Besides, there are plenty of established directors that can't make a decent film without

Alright, I read the Nirvana argument. But it still doesn't answer my question. Why are they good? And for the record, I wasn't trashing, I'm trying to understand. Perhaps openness to convincing is new to the internet, but it exists here, in this post, perhaps isolated unto itself for eternity…….

Doh! Sorry all.

Please, someone help me here
I'm from Seattle. I grew up here, went to high school & college here, and recently moved back here because I didn't like LA (as Death Cab foretold). Anyway, could someone please answer this question for me?