-Taps nose twice and winks-
Sounds like it could be a decent album, much like the surprisingly decent Twilight soundtracks. If this continues, watch out for the Berenstain Bears soundtrack featuring Jonsi, zombie John Lennon, and, of course, Dawes.
That's clearly a stunt hat Dale's wearing.
Thought the same thing. Great song, and pretty good album.
Was at the Philly show. I'd consider myself a middle of the road Mangum fan: got into the album in the mid 2000s, didn't get the fuss at first, and then slowly found myself returning to it and eventually coming to love it. It doesn't hold the special place in my heart like it does for others, or like some other…
Yes, Col. Alphonse. I was explaining this very concept to my sister-in-law in regard to Hunger Games, which she was just about to start. She finished it later that evening.
Just thinking about that story is making me sad and happy and sad again.
Tom in King Dork is the man.
I'm seeing her Friday at WXPN for their Live at Noon performance. You can typically stick around afterward and chat with the artist. How many AV Club Bucks will I earn if I somehow manage to become her next doofus boyfriend?
I'm *sigh, SPOILER* convinced Carl will kill Shane. He's already wearing Dad's hat and he recently got his gun back. There could actually be some solid character development as a result, too, since TV Carl and TV Shane are really tight.
Boner-hiding was essential for maintaining the friendship, as this was a -discussion- about the logistics of sex parties, and sadly not an actual sex party. Scratch that. All I want is a two person sex party. With her.
Jesus Christ! We have quite a little nest of Eagles fans here! Sorry, guys! What a shitty season, amirite?
I'm an Eagles fan who loathes the Patriots above all other teams in football, and above all professional sports teams other than the Yankees, so this was a tough weekend for me, sports-wise. I'm going to be forced to root for the Giants in another Super Bowl? Fuck that.
Long version: I'm recently single (don't ask) and have been meeting loads of interesting young women. One of them, this young, beautiful girl who has no interest in me beyond friendship and I got to talking this weekend about how one even goes about planning a sex party. We figured these things were essential: 1)…
"I’ll be all around in the dark. I’ll be ever’-where – wherever you can look. Wherever there’s a fight so horny people can fuck, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a ho beatin’ up a dick , I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re splooging – I’ll be in the way fresh faced teens laugh when they’re wet an’…
I've seen Grizzly Bear as openers twice, once for Radiohead and once as part of a weird NY Mag thing also featuring Stella and The National, and I just can't get into them as much as I'd like. Talented dudes, surely. Good harmonies. Good hooks. I like the songs on the albums. But fuck if they don't put me to sleep…
He's also great in the High Times Editorial Office series. Episode II is a good entrance point: http://www.collegehumor.com…