Mr. Alaska

Yeah, but did Frazier ever singlehandedly defeat Communism?

I'm at about the same point with SoA, and so far haven't been impressed at all. It's been about two months since I've watched an episode with no desire to go back. 

I've played only AC:B, and really enjoyed all of it except the crap with Desmond. I want to assassinate guys and chill with the Borgias, not talk with Minerva and swing from beams and the other stuff you do in the present. Overall, though, really fun game.  

Gloucester. What what. 


Seriously. I put it on, forgot what I was listening to, and thought, "Wait, I thought this -wasn't- Bono?" Talented fellow, that JW.

I've had Pizza Carbonara, which had prosciutto and a baked egg in the middle. Hated it and swore off the egg/pizza combo. Tried it once more with a breakfast pizza that had bacon and some super salty cheese (can't remember which one), and it was Faaaantastic. 

I'm probably the only one who agrees with Rebellion (Lies) being the top pick for AF song. It's my absolute favorite, and when combined live with Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)? Oh man. Some of my favorite ten minutes or so of live music.  

Love Jigsaw. I have a friend who vehemently despises Radiohead, and even he loves that tune.

Thanks again, everyone. Forgot to mention that she already loves the guitar/rock n' roll games. I've played Worms before but don't think she'd dig it. I'll wait for the price of Portal to come down and grab that as a starter. 

And that moment when Walt seems to be legitimately apologizing, and then Skylar realizes he's just acting, was devastating/hilarious. 

Before smoking it all and blaming it on Jesse. 

Well said. The shot of him coming up to Jesse in the lab with the blood splatter on his completely stoic face after killing two men in cold blood says everything we need to know about the new Walter. And re: the Heisenberg hat…the moment when he dons it in the car early this season to go and shoot Gus, only to receive

The one that's grown the most for me is Hail to the Thief.

Thanks for the recommendations, chums!

Sorry to somewhat hijack, but since you brought up the notion of games to play with wives/significant others, can you recommend other worthy PS3 titles that my pre-wife would enjoy playing with me? She isn't opposed to the occasional video game, but has less free time than I do and is genuinely skeptical of games. So

I got ketchup on my blue jeans, I just burnt my hand,

Yep. Too much of my childhood is tied into those silly, yellow-skinned people to not know how it all ends. Hopefully not with a whimper. 

Don't know about you guys, but the fourth Arrested Development movie is my favorite yet. 

Wow, I'd never heard of the Fargo TV show before. Wild. Has anyone seen it?