Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

I'm not frustrated. I'm waiting for you to provide evidence. Burden of proof is on you, my friendly. You're the one who's so frustrated he's misrepresenting the minutiae of a black man's youth spent abroad. So come on, give with the proof.

I'm not frustrated. I'm waiting for you to provide evidence. Burden of proof is on you, my friendly. You're the one who's so frustrated he's misrepresenting the minutiae of a black man's youth spent abroad. So come on, give with the proof.

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being
brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead.
We'll wait. 

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being
brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead.
We'll wait. 

Misrepresenting the minutiae of a black man's childhood spent abroad is not raci—wait a minute . . .

Misrepresenting the minutiae of a black man's childhood spent abroad is not raci—wait a minute . . .

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being
brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead.
We'll wait.

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being
brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead.
We'll wait.

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being
brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead.
We'll wait. 

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being
brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead.
We'll wait. 

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead. We'll wait.

So, please provide us with footage of any shipments of dogs being brought to the White House for President Obama's dinner. Go right ahead. We'll wait.

You sound tired. Tired and bitter and lonely. And far too focused on minutiae from a black man's childhood. It's not terribly sexy or clever or anything like that. It just makes you sound tired and bitter and really, really lonely.

You sound tired. Tired and bitter and lonely. And far too focused on minutiae from a black man's childhood. It's not terribly sexy or clever or anything like that. It just makes you sound tired and bitter and really, really lonely.

Ironically, this is what you hear when you play the Devo song backwards.

Ironically, this is what you hear when you play the Devo song backwards.

Jim Treacher, Arthur Treacher's less successful and eternally bitter younger brother.

Jim Treacher, Arthur Treacher's less successful and eternally bitter younger brother.

Dogs eat cat poop.Cats eat mice. Mice eat cheese. So in a roundabout way, Obama eats Jim Treacher's comments.

Dogs eat cat poop.Cats eat mice. Mice eat cheese. So in a roundabout way, Obama eats Jim Treacher's comments.