Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

Are you nervy? Irritable? Depressed? Tired of life? *wink* Keep it up!

Are you nervy? Irritable? Depressed? Tired of life? *wink* Keep it up!

According to Kim Johnson's book, Graham Chapman wrote the "Pet Conversion" sketch as a bit of a dig at Cleese, whose cats seemed to be going in to the vet to have some bit or other of themselves removed at an alarming rate.

According to Kim Johnson's book, Graham Chapman wrote the "Pet Conversion" sketch as a bit of a dig at Cleese, whose cats seemed to be going in to the vet to have some bit or other of themselves removed at an alarming rate.

Good point—and it's worth noting that they got more and better laughs as the first series went on. Also, once they started taping the second series in-studio, word had gotten around and the audience was younger and more "with it," and there is a noticeable difference not only in the number but the volume of the

Good point—and it's worth noting that they got more and better laughs as the first series went on. Also, once they started taping the second series in-studio, word had gotten around and the audience was younger and more "with it," and there is a noticeable difference not only in the number but the volume of the

A note about the moments in Python when the studio laughter dies—Kim Johnson's book about the show has a quote from one of the Python gang (Terry Jones, I think) noting that the first series' audiences, especially in the first six or seven episodes, were very much like the "old ladies applauding" film clip the group

A note about the moments in Python when the studio laughter dies—Kim Johnson's book about the show has a quote from one of the Python gang (Terry Jones, I think) noting that the first series' audiences, especially in the first six or seven episodes, were very much like the "old ladies applauding" film clip the group

"Two's a Crowd" is one of the all time great episodes of any series, ever. Watching O'Connor and Reiner knock it out of the park in that episode never gets old for me. It's one of the most profoundly moving, profoundly human, half-hours of TV I have ever seen.

"Two's a Crowd" is one of the all time great episodes of any series, ever. Watching O'Connor and Reiner knock it out of the park in that episode never gets old for me. It's one of the most profoundly moving, profoundly human, half-hours of TV I have ever seen.

One of the biggest laughs Mystery Science Theater 3000 ever gave me was the "Warrior of the Lost World" episode. During the moment where the Paper Chase Guy is repairing his motorcycle after (literally!) crashing it into Shangri-La, Trace Beaulieu's Crow pipes up, in his perfect Palin imitation, "It's Bicycle Repair

One of the biggest laughs Mystery Science Theater 3000 ever gave me was the "Warrior of the Lost World" episode. During the moment where the Paper Chase Guy is repairing his motorcycle after (literally!) crashing it into Shangri-La, Trace Beaulieu's Crow pipes up, in his perfect Palin imitation, "It's Bicycle Repair

Also, if you want to talk about sexism, WTF is up with the banner ads for "Taboo" on the National Geographic channel that keep cropping up this morning. I'd like a single standard please, AVC.

Also, if you want to talk about sexism, WTF is up with the banner ads for "Taboo" on the National Geographic channel that keep cropping up this morning. I'd like a single standard please, AVC.

This, for God's sake.

This, for God's sake.

The barely-restrained rage in her voice . . . I still get chills.

The barely-restrained rage in her voice . . . I still get chills.

Absolutely spot on. I remember talking about these eps after watching them with my then-girlfriend, now-wife, and we reflected that the entire Angel Gang had lost their souls by joining W&H, and didn't think to count the true cost of that until the one person who was the soul of the entire group was taken from them.