Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

::reports Sugartits to authorities::

I like my humping like I like my martinis: out of a gin bottle. Olives are optional.

Assbergers are hamburgers made from butt steak.

Bob, I think this idea is worth applying for a federal research grant. The military would love an army of Barbeaubots. What nation could withstand them?

Um, with that? Um, no.

Amusingly enough, I read somewhere that most of the alien planet backgrounds done for TAS wound up being used later on for "He-Man." Filmation: recycling before recycling was cool.

Never had the thought, but I can see the resemblance.

Grass is always greener, X-Ray.

Apparently the TV Club schedule was changed.

I swear to god I meant to type "TiVo" and then my brain locked up.

Simple. You ride for mansions of glory on suicide machines.

What about puppies that torture other puppies?

Where's Colin Powell when you need him?

Ever had a puppy bite you on the nose?

No barf bags?

::starts programming vcr::

Unfortunately yes, otherwise some Americans might go into Oprah withdrawal and start showing symptoms such as common sense and independent thought.

Brilliant. I don't know who you are but I want to have your children.

The Next Day
Al got his bathroom back.

I took her upstairs and showed her my "pound of flesh!"