Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

Oh man, that's funny. You win a coupon for one (1) internet for that.

And so, having re-disposed of the monster, exit our hero through the front door, stage right.

I used to use "Double dumbass on you!" but stopped. I should start again.

"I like you Dottie. LIKE."

Oh god, I still quote BOTH of those.

Used when I forget to do something at home:

Not I. "ANTONYYYYYYYY!" even became an MST riff, but for the life of me I can't remember which episode it was in. One of the SciFi era shows, I think.

And of course, the ever popular, "ACKTHPFT!"

Young Ones quote I use that nobody ever fucking gets: whenever someone asks me if I need assistance, I invariably respond, "Yes, I need ten assistants, preferably Swedish."

BEL. BIV. DEVOE. And a WHOOLE lotta MILK-ah.

Sorry, Earl. Your pancreas is on the fritz.

"Mayday! Mayday!"

Listen Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again.

StevenJerkoff, you got it just about exactly right. Take two buwwets out of petty cash.

Tuphlem grdlphump!

Well remembered Josh, thanks. I'm not at my best this late at night.

I'd hope so too, Zilch, but there may come a day when the reaction to an Airplane! quote will be like getting kicked. In the head. With an iron boot!

Another Tomlin line, as Ernestine the operator: "Hello, is this the party to whom I am speaking?"

"Mind if I smoke?"

Ah hates legends.