Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

One last one
One of my favorites actually comes from a reaction to a movie—an audience par-ti-ci . . . (SAY IT)-pation line from Rocky Horror Picture Show, to be said whenever someone asks how I could have done such a thing: "It was easy! But it would have been easier without the pantyhose!"

As you wish.

The McCulloughs are here!

Jim never vomits at home!

A couple of random ones:
From Bloom County, whenever I see someone in Union Square soliciting for any sort of cause: "Pear pimples for Hairy Fishnuts!"

"Canadian villain GARTH VADER!"

I'm sorry I caused all that cancer.

"I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!"

I don't know where I'll be then Doc—but one thing's for sure, I won't smell too good.

I agree. That kicks ass—silently, of course.

Soitenly! You take the blonde and I'll take the one in the toiban!

The "I am the Gatekeeper? Are you the Keymaster?" bit is a running gag with me and my boss.

Yo, what it is, mama, I dug her rap!

"I have prepared a statement: GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!" is used for my wife if she calls during lunch and asks how the day's going.

Why, that's Hitler, and he's FUCKIN' your donkey!"

It's a good thing you don't know how much he hates your guts . . .

"Thanks for the sour persimmons, cousin!" from"Duck Amuck" is a good random thing to say to someone who makes your day a little worse.

Uhh . . .yeah! That's the ticket!

"Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball"

"And tell the milkman: NO MORE CHEESE!"