Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

runner = rubber

Penguin, I use "fuck 'im in the asshole with a big runner dick!" fairly regularly. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

Oh man, I haven't thought about that square dance in forever.

Looks like I picked the wrong week . . .
. . . to quit quoting "Airplane!"

More organs means more human!

My wife and I quote Looney Tunes at each other all the time. "Shoot him now! Shoot him now!" "You keep outta this, he doesn't have to shoot you now," "That boy's about as sharp as a sack of wet mice/subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal/sharp as a bowling ball/take your pick of pithy Foghorn Leghorn

@Gentle Herpes, I think that's "SG" for "Sasha Grey"

Bestcommenter, you say that now, but will I get flowers from you next week? I highly doubt it.


::Robert Stack takes off sunglasses::

::David Caruso takes off sunglasses::

No. No! NO! Stop it! Stop it, please! I beg you! This is sin! This is sin! This is sin! It's a sin, it's a sin, it's a sin!

::rocks fall, everyone dies::

*pages Sasha Grey to thread*

Frito, sounds like you're on the same page my missus and I are. We agreed early on that we're not going to be indulgent my-kid-is-my-buddy parents. We're there to raise our son (and any future offspring) to be a productive member of the human race, not a spoiled, overindulged twit with no self control or self


Bestcommenter made me laugh.

Egrets . . . I've had a few . . .

Advantage: The Zinger. Well played, sir.

HelloJackToad < having your eyes eaten by vermicious knids