Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

Potter. Mulcahy never said anything as awesome as "horse hockey."

::stands and stares::

@ricin beans—couldn't agree more. While conspiracy nuts are cataloging shadows, the real world chugs merrily on without them. And as we all know, the real world is run by big business in conjunction with the little green men in my next door neighbor's tool shed.

My crying six month old son with a poopy diaper > Your Fading Hipster Cred.

Second the hear hear for TomWaits. I got ten pages in on DaVinci Code when I realized I could spend my time in a more productive fashion. Like, say, scooping out the catboxes.

Enjoy your herpes, Zinger!

Okay, I'm convinced. I just asked my librarian wife to score me a copy.

Yeah, Sunnyside is definitely on my "must own" list, Santos. I was afraid Gold had disappeared until it came out.

KenH, I'll take that under advisement, thanks. I'm definitely planning on checking out more Delany—Dhalgren for sure, and as much other stuff as I can to add to the TBR pile in my apartment—which is almost as tall as me.

Elitist, that sounds suspiciously like something your Mommy and Daddy told you to say!

Riff, I'll make guacamole if you bring chips.

Second vote also for Devil In the White City. My wife's grandmother recommended that one to me and I devoured it. Excellent book.

I would second either of the Stephenson books, though I think Cryptonomicon is the better of the two.

My Suggestion
Carter Beats the Devil, by Glen David Gold. Hell of a book, and I'd love any excuse to pick it up again and talk about it.

I just read Life of Pi last month, and loved it; I'd be up for a discussion on that. Especially if said discussion involved finding ways to convince Shyamalan to give the rights to a good director.

KenH, I just picked up Aye, And Gommorrah . . . this week and am loving it. I'll definitely have to pick up his other books. Can't believe I took this long to get around to his work.

@Chokouch: right now this website is telling you to go blow a rabid yak with chlamydia.

Okay, I may grab this one, depending on my schedule. We'll see.

Roar, the story I heard was that the filmmakers enlisted Bill Shatner's help in finding the exact Spot in Vasquez Rocks where that was filmed so they could match the shot. That's why he's thanked in the end credits.

Stephen King tells a great story in Danse Macabre about the night he made the grave mistake of smoking a couple of joints and then watching "Robot Monster." He almost laughed himself into a hernia.