Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

Zilcho, I'm not surprised. Kane is not a lovable character, and in the end we're not really meant to be sympathetic to him, except as a tragic figure who was always at one remove or more from the things he wanted, to say nothing of the things he needed. In a way it's a bit like "Death of a Salesman," which gives us

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot was one of those albums that took me a few listens to get around. It was getting great reviews and my friends kept insisting I would love it, but when i finally bought the CD and gave it a spin I just went, "Huh. Okay," and that was it. I didn't listen to it again for a week, and had the same

Theatlasboy, you're completely missing the point of Chinatown, but I don't feel like getting into an argument with you about it, so never mind.

mbs, my wife got me into NCIS, and I went through pretty much the same progression. Yes, we know how silly and unrealistic it is, yes, we know that's not how any of this really works, yes, we know it's pitched at a much older demo, and we still don't give a fuck. That's a hell of a good ensemble cast they have there,

MPBC, pretty good summation. I've always said and will continue to maintain that Duvall's absence hurt the movie more than anything. Sure, Talia Shire made up for it by giving a hell of a performance, but it could have been so much better.

Lincoln: listen to Brian Wilson's demo of "Surf's Up" before passing judgment on the Beach Boys' lyrics. All I'll say.

Magical Half Jew: No way! I'm the only one who's supposed to be cute on this show!

Riff: very appropriate placement of "internet" there.

Heche: looks like it's going nowhere. And all things considered, that's probably all for the best.

Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Lay Onna Pile Of Origami the Third?

What kind of cubic space are we talking about here, Riff?


Karatloz Johnson is right!

Did you pay extra for her to take her teeth out? I keep telling her to charge more for that.

Are you woman enough to be our man?

No mention of it in any of the bios I found online Haden, so i'm guessing not.

Sifl and Ollie!

This would be like a CGI representation of my thoughts, only with less papal secrets and more boobs.

Congratulations. You've just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farmhouse . . .

More like papal bull.