Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

Gabriel Jose de la Concordia Garcia Marquez?

Polymorphously perverse!

Krauthammer, that is one of my favorite moments of Fonda in anything. It's just so casually done, almost a throwaway—and at the same time is a delightful little surprise. Even when I'm watching it for the hundredth time that moment makes me grin like an idiot. Not that I need much help to do that, of course.

Forget that shit—here comes MONGO!!

Keanu's Hyde would beat a prostitute with his cane and scream, "I TOLD YOU TO BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER, FILTHY TROLLOP!"

Victor's eyelashes never forgave them for stealing the spotlight away. IOt's a sad story.

Ape felcher porn.

What in the wide wide world o'sports is a-goin' on!?


4 strength, I subverted that by starting my own family to give others a reason to drink.

::sketches "Guernica" in five seconds::

I hope so Republican, because I don't want to see someone accommodate an armchair.

My family = the reason I drank myself into oblivion throughout my 20s.

4 strength, generally a mistake fucking winds up resulting in a change of the sheets, not a pregancy . . .

I was a gift from the angels, Ricin! FROM THE ANGELS I TELL YOU!

Careful, Quaid—you'll blow your cover!

Armature porn?

CC: I know! Next they'll be telling us women have the right to vote and own slaves!

Pfft, like women know how to use computers. Don't make me laugh, Elrond.

Suppose they left him some stale crackers and a tin of sardines to live off of, at least?