
Loved all the call backs to previous characters:
- Accountant [whatever his name was] was in the Dinner Party episode and Telethon episode in season two.  It totally made sense that he loved Ben's pun because he made a bunch in his previous episodes.
- Dennis Feinstein, who was much talked about and then showed up in

I believe it is actually a good thing.  It is over performing on Friday which is typically a bad night for ratings.  I would assume they are thinking it could do even better during the week.

Continuity is a big thing for me.  A lack of continuity for a show like The Office which in its earlier seasons relied so much on continuity is a big reason why I am not really into this show anymore.  In the seasons two and three, there was all these little call backs and moments that would happen in one episode and

Full honesty, I worked in an office with a Jerry before and made plenty of fun of him, in fact, we all did.  The truth was we all really liked him though it was just fun to have some to poke fun at and he never took it to seriously and it never got vicious.

Pawnee is fucking crazy though - they use Alta Vista, adore a mini horse, listen to Joan Calamezzo, just got into Nirvana.  Their idea of beauty is not real world idea of beauty.

They mentioned it briefly last year in the Camping episode where Ann suggest they use the extra Harvest Festival money to build the park.  I think that is the most recent mention of it.  Plus if you look in the background there is the "park funds thermometer" which was mentioned near the beginning…still not enough

I bet Lindsey Caryle-Shaw called in the story. I was hoping that we were going to see her.

I am apt to wear loose fitting clothing and based off this episode for my own sanity I guess I will continue with this trend.

Favorite of the three so far although I would put it in a B/B- range.  I liked some of the development with Schmidt.  I get the idea that when he was in college he wasn't very popular which would go a long way to explain some of his douchey traits.  I imagine him being the "fat, unpopular" one and now that he is