Franklin Bluth

Loose seal! Loose seal!!

I don't know if it fits (it's a TV Movie, I guess), and I don't know about its availability in the US, but Ghostwatch is pretty cool and scared a ton of british people in the 90's. Pretty influential, too.

Oh god, that stairway shot is creepier than almost anything I have ever seen in any horror movie, and I can't even explain why. It is just disturbing in a really basic, something-deep-in-my-human-brain-has-been-activated way.  Maybe it's the contrast between the normalcy of the situation and the horrific situation

But how about someone filming him/herself watching the video of George R.R. Martin watching the reaction of people watching the Red Wedding.

I'm just three episodes into the season, but I need to point out that those talking about how ground-breaking this season is (like Todd in this excellent review) should check Moral Orel Season 3 as soon as possible.

People, the entire series takes place over the course of ONE AFTERNOON. And the wedding has already been the timeframe for three seasons.

Also, a couple Parks and Recreation midseason episodes.

I hope they make another of these weird talking shows for The Killing. Maybe call it The Talking.

So does he end up dating Cleopatra or Joan of Arc?

So does he end up dating Cleopatra or Joan of Arc?

"when virtually every other major network series would have debuted (minus only The CW’s Nikita—also debuting Oct. 19—and ABC’s comedy duo of Last Man Standing and Malibu Country, debuting Nov. 2)"
What about Happy Endings, Todd VanDerWerff? I think it returns October 23.

"when virtually every other major network series would have debuted (minus only The CW’s Nikita—also debuting Oct. 19—and ABC’s comedy duo of Last Man Standing and Malibu Country, debuting Nov. 2)"
What about Happy Endings, Todd VanDerWerff? I think it returns October 23.

I bet this will start a chain-reaction that will end with the new AD season not being produced, somehow.

I bet this will start a chain-reaction that will end with the new AD season not being produced, somehow.

Hey, that's the name of the show!

Hey, that's the name of the show!

They talked about it, but they kept mentioning that Whedon guy instead of, you know, the actual director of the thing, just like everybody talks about JJ Abrams' Cloverfield and Tim Burton's Night Before Christmas. It makes me feel… bad.

They talked about it, but they kept mentioning that Whedon guy instead of, you know, the actual director of the thing, just like everybody talks about JJ Abrams' Cloverfield and Tim Burton's Night Before Christmas. It makes me feel… bad.

"Todd gazed up at the enormous boobs. One season it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the makeup. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all

I hope nothing happens in the Happy Endings' finale. No cliffhanger, no huge life-changing revelation for any character, nothing. Just another normal episode. I really like that the show doesn't have any arcs nor character development, just self-contained plots and silly jokes.