Max Girth

Blue Letter: The Hudsucker Proxy reeked. You know, for the kids.

Ditto the emeff magicalness of the strange LCD/Arcade Fire pairing. Red Rocks, CO 9/2007. Beautiful night. Didn't have high expectations for a live electronica band, but their percussion and energy killled. AF was fantastic, crazy swinging organ pipes and all. RR has a way of bringing out the best in bands.

Janet in Jodhpurs

Those entities, actions, or situations that do not eventually result in the fatality of the referenced subject may in fact serve to bolster the overall health—be it mental, physical, or both—of the referenced subject.

I cain't quitchoo!

Thirty years ago, Jesus could pull a hoe quick
But now he 50 and his belly hangs lower than his dick