
Last week I got Summer Corrin, I expend like 50 orbs getting her.


Apparently I wrote something too long and it is considered spam.

What about Nino?

I will check out my local game store if Xenoblade is in stock and at a good price, but videogames are never on sale around my area.

I am usually better at other fire emblems games. What amazed me the most are the videos of people using just three star characters while I use five star Reinhardt with full Horse support to pass a level or the guy who use only four Sakuras to beat the most difficult maps.
But I have resigned to try to not directly

I will check it out. May be I have to convince my sister to play with me, she usually plays Dragon Age or Overwatch. Ithas been a long time since we play a coopertaive game together.
Thank you.

I haven't gotten a Hector. The armor monthly mission keep taunt me, since my team of mediocre armors keep dying in the tenth stratum.

Hi, long time semi-lurker from the Gameological Society. Even though I don't really participate in the different conversations, I got to say that I really appreciated the community and the efforts of Mr. Geriardi and all the contributors for making such a really special space.

I think it also counts if you just buy the game.

In another episode Leonard prove that the Chinese tamper the experiment and the results.

It's Eevee not Evee. It looks weird that way.

Wasn't Regina's boyfriend black(The musician that was with her when she started drinking again)?

I`m really sorry, my internet collection went crazy and I couldn't connect and the pokebank is giving error so I wouldn't be able to do it. Hopefullly in other ocasion.

I became neutral with out noticing. Mostly because I follow the Chaos route in the main story but in side quests I took the opposite approach.

There is an option of deleting friend codes in the friend list, I think is in settings.There you choose which one you want to delete. Just remember that if you delete them you can no longer have acces to your friend safari but they will.

Ok, I will have the pokemon ready :D.

Well I will trade you the pinsirite and mewtwoite. I don't mind trading them away since I will restart my game and keep my pokemon with the pokebank so I can get new ones. The only problem was the transfer of items since it is not allow.

I will really like if you could help me with the mega stones. If you have the Y version will you consider trading the exclusives?
My Fc is 3695-0182-7351.
If you really want a pokemon with and tutor move tell me and I will breed it for you and teach it the move. Just tell me the nature, species, move, egg moves and

In the Pokemon corner, I'm just trying to teach move tutor moves to some pokemon before transfer them, and I also need someone to help me pass the mega stone of the current file to the next one I want to create so I can trade them for the Y excluxives.