
Oy. When I find my genie in a bottle one of my wishes will be for an AV Club that isn't so obsessed with politics, or rather writers who don't put their own moral positioning above judging the artistic merit or entertainment value of their subjects.


More like X-Men, Days of Future Ass



I want to see this story get crazy. The weird Thanksgiving dinner was a step in the right direction.

Still waiting for something, anything interesting to happen on this show

Good read, thanks.

Maybe it's because I didn't get the Rosemary's Baby reference, but that scene didn't strike me as funny at all.

If they were going to do this at least they could have gotten rid of VanDerWerff

The fight between Hector and Achilles is cool




LOL'd hard @ "Little Dick Whitman"

Why doesn't the Governor just kill Rick?

Is there an episode review somewhere in that rant?

So, Padan Fain was pretty much an afterthought in these last 3 books.  Seems like a bit of a waste after all the time devoted to him earlier in the series.

Seems like there are some odd criticisms here.  Matthew and Mary aren't fighting enough (although that major fight they did have, that was one of the best parts of the episode).  Couldn't be in a honeymoon period, could they?  And why would the Pamuk affair still be relevant now that Mary is married?

It's hard to see an adaptation of something you love and not hold it against the movie when they cut or change something you like.