
All right, Jason shooting Jessica was a "holy shit!" moment.

Oy. Everything that wasn't drunk vampires in this episode was absolutely horrible.

Oy. Everything that wasn't drunk vampires in this episode was absolutely horrible.

Fail first, anyway.

Fail first, anyway.

I'm liking this season so far.  It's mostly entertaining.  Even Tara has been bearable.  

I'm liking this season so far.  It's mostly entertaining.  Even Tara has been bearable.  

Damn it.  I was really hoping for the Tupac hologram.

Damn it.  I was really hoping for the Tupac hologram.

Damn this show.

Damn this show.

Soooooo…is AV Club going to run a movie review or just this list of nits Tasha Robinson wanted to pick?

Soooooo…is AV Club going to run a movie review or just this list of nits Tasha Robinson wanted to pick?

Yeah, well, that's just your opinion, man.

It's fun even though you feel guilty watching something so awful.

It's fun even though you feel guilty watching something so awful.

Didn't Jessica get naked in last year's finale?

Didn't Jessica get naked in last year's finale?

Tara lives. A nation weeps.

Tara lives. A nation weeps.