random french dude

Homard, tu me fait chier

you did not mention his brillant role in " C-list actor looks stupid while crashing a Ferrari"

Putains de morts vivants
These things are fucking stupid. Why not

C'est une photo vielle de 5 ans criss!

For me, the Jack Irons period was the best.

Stupid mop
Vitalogy owns, but that song stinks

That's that

The Intro
Was pretty good. It added dimension to Shane's character. Good to see him survive season1. Dale's charcater is the best thing in the series so far, imo.

Liam Finn
for those who know, no explanation needed

Geddy, Neil and Alex

Dario Argento
Is Italian for overrated and boring, me thinks

With only two episodes left, I'm curious to see on what note season 1 will conclude on . At first i tought it would be a resolve of the Shane-Rick-lori-Carl storyline similar to the comic book, but it's difficult to see that happen in just 2 episodes.

Point taken,

This was better than episode 2
But again, if you are going to have a fucking zombie show, please have some fucking zombies.

When people decide to name their token black character t-dog, you know you're in for fucking shit fest.

was that Norm Reedus in the episode 3 preview? Might make things interesting, but episode 2 sucked gorilla balls