
Did I just accidentally step into a time machine or something? I opened up AV Club and all the everything is from a couple of weeks ago. Da fuq?

I like the Moriarty because he really seems completely off-his-rocker and you don't know what he's gonna do next. (he's *so* changeable)

For what it's worth, I think RTD has the single best standalone episode (Midnight, though Blink is a close second) in Who. I'd still rather have Moffat as the showrunner — he's good at making the overall plot arc of each season feel a lot more personal, rather than just saving the earth in increasingly extravagant

True, that. Anytime someone says the Smiths don't rock, just play that and blow them away.

Yep. Not to mention it actually fits the "only snare drum" criteria.

There are a ton of National songs that would work here, I was definitely surprised to not see anything in the list. Bloodbuzz Ohio, Secret Meeting, Abel, Squalor Victoria, the Geese of Beverly Road, and Mistaken for Strangers are all good picks.

That song has probably my favorite drum performance of the '00s. Seriously, people are in danger if it comes on while I'm driving.

Eh, I think Halleluwah wins this one.

Wisdom Teeth is brilliant (and incredibly painful!) entirely because of the amazing use of timing.

Eh, I think The Men's album does the same thing, but better.

The Knife is supposedly coming out with a new album sometime this year, which I am unbelievably stoked for. If they're on the level of the second disc of Tomorrow In a Year (which is quite underrated IMO, though I can understand why) it'll be my favorite thing this year.

I saw Craig Finn live on Friday. It was good fun, but I don't think it was quite as awesome as a Hold Steady show. He did a couple of songs without the backing band that were downright strange and more funny than anything, and I'm not sure if it was intentional. But when the whole band was there and they were really

I've always been of the opinion that Hatful of Hollow is the best place to start, then go through the albums chronologically.

i really, really dig the track "serpents", released in late november. 
(http://pitchfork.com/review… if the rest of her new album has this much going on, it's gonna be fantastic. (plus, more Jenn Wasner!)

Henry Krinkle — didn't Trent Reznor do basically just that as part of the Year Zero ARG?

Never before have I been able to laugh at a joke because it was made at my hometown's expense. Thanks for the nostalgia trip.

What I don't get is how someone can like "dance/pop" like Spears, and then not realize that something like, say, Cut Copy's album is head and shoulders above it. (seeing as it largely fits that description)

I thought Duma Key was amazing… until roughly the halfway point. I loved the main character and the plot development, and was genuinely creeped out by a lot of the things going on. But then the main character gave that lecture and it all went downhill from there. I think it's because the whole thing became less about

Anime has this weird thing where their theme songs are either amazing or shitty J-Pop. The amazing ones should get some more recognition — off the top of my head, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note's second half, and Elfen Lied all have great themes.

If I haven't seen Blade Runner (heresy! i know), which of the eleventy billion versions should I watch?