
Eric killing Sookie. Now THAT is a show I would pay to watch.

FSA, I agree that GoT would have the same issues if it wasn't based off a book series. I think TV shows need to see what power real danger/threat has in a television series.

Christianity was all over season 2 with Steve Newlin and the LODI. Sookie and her gran were also pretty religious. Obviously God/Jesus hasn't become an actual character on the show, but in TB we're supposed to believe that God/"good" wants you to love everyone. So vampires can be evil, but not all of them are evil

Wish it'd go a-la Game of Thrones
So obviously True Blood is not Game of Thrones and I'm not comparing the two against each other. One of the big things that bothers me about shows that have threatening/life and death situations is the fact that you know all the major characters are safe.

"The good ol' boy in the checkout line then bares his fangs which is played as much for irony as laughs and from that point onwards TB was pretty much all exaggeration, theatricality, playfulness and style over substance which pretty much defines camp to a T."

I hope Andy's story intersects with something else because it's already getting old.

I'm probably one of the few people left in the universe who really love the character of Tara. I keep hoping more and more that she'll return to being that fiesty bitch from season 1, but I really have no idea what they're trying to do with her.

I agree and disagree with your comments for a few reasons. I think the HUGE issue with TB is that the writers don't exactly agree on what they want the show to be. It started off as an intense, mysterious drama/crime show with action and humor here and there, but it was NEVER advertised as being campy. I think that


The "true" king
One of the most interesting moments in this episode for me was the fact that they brought back the bastard son of Baratheon (the blacksmith apprentice dude). I pretty much forgot about him even though he technically is the true heir to the throne. But since Ned's dead now, is Pycelle the only person

Hoping for a strong ending
This episode was a bit weird in that it was just overall depressing. I couldn't help but agree with Charmaine and Kate that Tara needed to be institutionalized. I've dealt with messed up people and you really have to stick it out and help for a while, but like they were saying, you can't

Emgeekay, exactly. I'm talking about the lead #1 headliner. In 24, Jack Bauer didn't die. Also, Joss Whedon never killed off Buffy or Mal or Echo. Of course you see major characters die off, but never a frickin' main star. It's just insane.

I thought I had posted a comment earlier, but I literally just signed up for the AV Club so I could comment on this fucking episode so I'm not even sure if it went through.