lord stoneheart

We have a well, and there was an abnormally large amount of rainfall the other day. That may have caused it.

Ah I see. That makes sense. I think the moral of the story is that I should not assume that everyone who might be flirting with me is setting me up for some cruel joke or stealth insulting me. (Also the confidence thing. I should work on that).

It would require quite the shitstorm to top some of them from what I've read.

I've heard some evangelicals push the claim that Catholics worship the Pope (who is the anti-Christ of course) and/or Mary. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go scrub the memory of Chick Tracts from my mind.

And in terms of the Republican candidate picking I think it will be about the same or better really. I probably wouldn't vote for them anyway, but I would whine less about it when they won the presidency.

It would be hard for me to overstate how much I enjoyed that movie. There's a vehicle that has people banging on drums, with a guy surrounded by speakers wielding a guitar that doubles as a flamethrower. And in my mind it made perfect sense. It was pretty awesome.

The water in my house is brownish. Fuck that shit. But not literally. (And hopefully not literal shit either. I think its just sediment).

Something something, student loan work that should be done soon. I don't actually want to look at something involving owing more money than I'll make in a decade, but that's just too bad really.

Is there an Idiotking signal? With blackjack? And hookers?

So I fail in the blond traits, but I guess otherwise that's me. I just read a lot of personality traits associated with it.

Mmmmmmmmm. Sacreligious.

This week was mostly me feeling the relief of being done with school. (And being all set to receive my bachelor's degree in about a week and a half or so). I celebrated by going to a gay bar on Thursday night with a group of friends. (Guy I had a crush on that I've mentioned before was supposed to come, but then

I didn't see the episode title until the review went up. I don't know if they were thinking of Sansa's plot when they came up with it. (They were obviously using it because of the Dorne plot). But if they were its really fucked up. Even if they weren't it's still fucked up.

Maybe it will involve Dany somehow? I mean there's no fake Aegon anymore for the Martell's to back.

So that episode was a little shorter than usual. (Okay, yes this is a thinly disguised attempt at trying to be funny by loudly proclaiming my ignorance of a scene I hated. I'll just say that I agree with the reviewer that the show does not have a good track record in this regard).

Mecha Dedede? Where? That needs to be a thing. Though I was overwhelmed by the awesomeness of Dedede wielding a massive battleaxe. I don't know if I can handle Mecha Dedede.

It's been forever since I've played them, but I was under the impression that the first one held up really well considering the genre it belonged to kinda of died.

There's also throw your companion back into eternal torment for info. When I mentioned Planescape that's the "Holy crap that's fucked up." moment I had.

I like being an asshole as a City Elf. My favorite part is castigating Calian because the alienages are so sucky. Being racist (speciest?) as a Dalish makes me feel like a tool. Doing the same thing as a City Elf feels much more cathartic.

(Looks at the reply Cosby gave). You know if his alleged crimes were something significantly more minor than raping dozens of women over the course of decades, I would be amused, and start throwing out postmodern interpretations of that response. But because I live in the universe where Bill Cosby is likely a serial