Testicles of Doom

Most recently:

Most recently:

Ajax, you're right.  It really didn't need to be longer, but I was sad to see it go.  i think mostly because I was suprised by how good it was. I mean, c'mon, it's on TBS!

Ajax, you're right.  It really didn't need to be longer, but I was sad to see it go.  i think mostly because I was suprised by how good it was. I mean, c'mon, it's on TBS!

YES.  That was the first time I just said "Fuck it" and shut it off.

My Boys was a fun hang out type show. The first season was 20 some eps, but then the next three were only 12 or so.

My Boys was a fun hang out type show. The first season was 20 some eps, but then the next three were only 12 or so.

Well, Willie Nelson thought he was paying his taxes, but his accountants were ripping him off.  But he did have almost all of his property and possessions seized and auctioned by the IRS.  But because Willie Nelson is a badass, his friends bought most of his stuff and just gave it back to him.

Well, Willie Nelson thought he was paying his taxes, but his accountants were ripping him off.  But he did have almost all of his property and possessions seized and auctioned by the IRS.  But because Willie Nelson is a badass, his friends bought most of his stuff and just gave it back to him.


Sweet Merciful Crap!

True. Last year I watched the entire run as I'd never seen the later seasons including the finale, and the only complaint I would have is that some of the jokes, especially the political ones, are dated.

My favorite Golden Girls exchange occurs when Sophia and Blanche are competing over the same wealthy man, and they agree to date on alternate nights.  Sophia comes home with the gentlman after their date night, and Blanche is attempting to entice him by wearing a low cut night gown.

Makes me cry every time I see it.

Yes! Where they were all yelling "GuhNAP!"

This is the second time this morning that you've dragged uncomfortable TV memories out of my brain!

Thanks a lot Hangnail for dragging out the repressed memory of that episode.

Good, now Bill Rieflin can get back to working on solo stuff.

Therapy?'s (that looks weird) Troublegum was great.

Yeah whatever happened to them?