Testicles of Doom

I saw them there lots of times! Water Street Music Hall? I might've seen them at the Harro East Ballroom, too. Can't remember, it was awhile ago and now I'm old….

I don't think you're wrong. It's scary to think that someone could be fired for an opinion.
However, if you work for a company, say McDonald's, and you stand on a street corner and hurl racial slurs at people, you will be fired whether you're on the clock or not. When you're in uniform, you're considered an agent of

Thank you for these. I wish I could read them all, but since "What's On Tonight?" is nearly impossible to find, I see them infrequently. Golden Girls is one of my all time favorite shows, and I don't give a damn who makes fun of me for it*, but I think it's hilarious.
*Talking about people in my real physical life

They had four. Waylon & Willie, WWII, Take It To the Limit, and Clean Shirt.  I've never heard Clean Shirt, but at the very least Take It To the Limit has a handful of good tracks.

@avclub-d10fb2ce213a175c0a9f6b07514171aa:disqus thank you for clarifying that. I'd heard her rant and wondered who it was, but I hadn't considered that it wasn't true. 
Do you know who she was referring to?

@avclub-d10fb2ce213a175c0a9f6b07514171aa:disqus thank you for clarifying that. I'd heard her rant and wondered who it was, but I hadn't considered that it wasn't true. 
Do you know who she was referring to?

I watched TNG until season 4 or 5. i started because of the old alums returning, but stuck around for the new group of kids. Eventually, as they drifted off so did I.

It was so weird to have a clean version of Jay and Silent Bob, and it completely didn't work.

I didn't know that they wrapped with the movie (School's Out?), and they had it on Hulu so I caught up on the episodes and the movie when I was home after having my appendix out.

I think ideally they could do the original classic incarnation(s), and then the first few seasons of TNG since they have a lot of the original teens turn up throughout, what, the first four seasons?

Exactly my thoughts when they announced Wilk. I've always thought Bordin was underrated.

I agree with you so much.  I felt like the Sandman stuff was the only thing that movie got right.

Put me in the VCR/Star Wars category too.  Although, sometimes I like to hit up the thrift stores and see what else I can find.

So jealous!


I've seen it a million times, and it never fails to make me crack up.

Is that the book that also makes a case for the band's breakup being Tina Weymouth's (possibly sexual) obsession with David Byrne?

I was thinking about this. I remember in the press leading up to its release, he was saying "No, no, we haven't broken up", then there's full page ads for his album in Rolling Stone, and two weeks later he announced the break up.


If I recall, it might be on the commentary, but they said that they didn't show the audience until the end because they felt other concert films used this technique to tell the audience how to feel about the bands performance.